Intro Course


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Intro to the Enneagram

The Official Audio Course with Josh Lavine & John Luckovich

Tired of woo-woo Enneagram content? Our no-nonsense intro course explores personality from first principles to give you a solid foundation in one place. Say goodbye to piecing together scattered podcasts and inconsistent sources. This carefully crafted audio course delivers concise, engaging content, paired with a stunning 37-page e-book. Learn the Enneagram from scratch with clarity and depth, and discover how to apply it meaningfully in your personal and professional life.

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Enneagram Interviews

On our Podcast and YouTube show What It's Like To Be You, we interview accurately typed guests about their inner experience and inner work practitioners about their modality. Watch our most recent episode below, or browse Enneagram interviews by category.

[#39] Nicholas, Type 9: Inner Envelope Functions, Dispersing Attention, & Learning to Focus

In this episode, Nicholas (SP/SO 9w1 936 talks about 9's passivity in relation to their dominant instinct, how they can "hope things just work themselves out," and how he learned to summon the discipline to manifest his life vision. He also works through an intense caffeine spike in self-pres 9 fashion in realtime, so you can see him narrate his 9 way of containing the intensity of his experience within an acceptable window of tolerance, or "envelope function." Couldn't have written it better. Enjoy!

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Articles for Deeper Learning

See selected articles below, or browse more Enneagram articles in our blog.