The Enneagram School provides intellectually rigorous resources designed for professionals, teams, and individuals seeking transformative growth. We emphasize sincere inquiry, original insight, and a deeply personal relationship with the Enneagram framework. Our mission is to elevate consciousness and unlock potential by offering accurate, penetrating psychological insights that drive both personal transformation and practical results. Through our work, we aim to empower individuals and organizations to achieve greater self-awareness, creativity, and effectiveness.

Josh Lavine
Co-Founder, Teacher
Josh hosts the Enneagram & self-development Podcast What It's Like To Be You. His core type is 3, and he has explored inner work through modalities such as meditation, Gendlin's Focusing, and The Work of Byron Katie. Josh is also a certified Integral Coach® and coaches founders, investors, and executives in leadership and transformative inner work. He is committed to helping clients unleash their potential, and he specializes in driving practical results through strategic thought partnership and deep psychological insight.

John Luckovich
Co-Founder, Teacher
John is co-hosts the Big Hormone Enneagram podcast and is the author of The Instinctual Drives and the Enneagram. His core type is 4, and he has explored inner work through men's groups, breathwork, and the Fourth Way. He also paints, facilitates breathwork, and guides pilgrimages to Egypt exploring the roots of inner work. John coaches individuals and teams to have greater self-awareness using the Enneagram.