A Self-paced Online Course

with Josh Lavine & John Luckovich










Understand the Centers of Intelligence

In this class, Josh Lavine and John Luckovich present Josh's Developmental Theory of the Centers of Intelligence and Object Relations. This theory brings the Enneagram  into alignment with infant development and gives a foundation for Trifix. It also clarifies how Object Relations maps to the Enneagram by more precisely defining the Object Relational Affects of Attachment, Frustration, and Rejection, as well as the Object that the Affects form in relation to. 


Body, Heart, and Mind — or, The Centers of Intelligence — are the basis of the Enneagram. Each center splits into 3 types each, creating the 9 Enneagram types. The Centers are also how the Enneagram distinguishes important aspects of our moment to moment experience. For example, right now as you read this, you are having a sensory experience (Body). At the same time, you are feeling whether this content accords with your sense of self (Heart), and you are discerning whether these ideas are worth incorporating into your mental model of reality (Mind).

In this class, we explore how Body, Heart, and Mind develop during infancy and are stacked like “layers of self,” each situated in a corresponding layer of reality. We then combine this developmental view with insights from Object Relations to reveal the psychological blueprint of each of the 9 types.

This class has both content and practice and is most suited for intermediate and advanced students.

What's Included

  • 6 2hr video lessons recorded with a live zoom audience, including lecture, slides, Q&A
  • Inner work practices that target all 3 centers, to revisit anytime
  • Downloadable PDF with visuals that illustrate key concepts
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Kalla Mort

This class felt like a solid in a world of content that is constantly slipping through my fingers. I really appreciated the clarity and passion that both John and Josh brought to the "Developmental View of the Centers and Object Relations." It was evident that they truly respect one another and value the unique insights that each of them brings to the table. Their ability to allow for spontaneity and tangents, while still building on each other’s contributions expanded the material in an engaging way. Their content made the complexities of the type structures more accessible and provided so much clarity for me in my own inner work. It has allowed me to see the distinction in my own centers and has helped me gather some reminders and signposts for some much needed internal balancing and self-trust.

This Course Will Help You To...

  • Understand why there are 9 types: See what gives rise to the types by phenetrating down to the layers of the psyche where types diverge
  • Hone Your Typing: Stop hand-waving and get super clear and specific about how each of your fixes operates in your personality.
  • See to the Bottom of Each Type: You already get that types are different — now understand why from a developmental point of view.
  • Un-“woo“ the Enneagram: The Centers of Intelligence are often taught hazily, without theoretical rigor. Ground your understanding in developmental theory.
  • Finally Understand Trifix: What does it mean when an 8 has a 3 fix? How do different  operate together? Put it all together. 
  • Understand how your Centers of Intelligence Operate Together: See how the Centers “do each other’s jobs,” why this keeps the personality constricted, and how to free yourself.
  • Isolate your fixes to work on them individually: Accelerate your inner work by being able to see what each of your Centers is doing
  • Coach others more effectively: See others more clearly and make more precise interventions with your clients
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Josh Lavine is a Co-Founder of The Enneagram School and hosts the Podcast / YouTube show What It's Like To Be You, where he interviews people of each Enneagram type and practitioners of inner work. He originated the Developmental Theory of the Centers & Object Relations. He also plays piano, coaches executives, and works with teams using the Enneagram.

John is Co-Founder of The Enneagram School, author of The Instinctual Drives and the Enneagram, and co-host on the Big Hormone Enneagram podcast. He also does private coaching, facilitates breathwork, and guides pilgrimages to Egypt exploring the roots of inner work.

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Sam Leuenberger

The kind of people drawn by the level of teaching offered by The Enneagram School are, in many cases, the kind of people that actually make you kind of glad that the Internet exists.

Josh Lavine & John Luckovich’s class on The Developmental View of the Centers & Object Relations unearthed a deeper understanding of how and why type is, on a moment-to-moment human level, real.

The originality and depth of Enneagram content that is the School’s bread and butter testifies to Lavine & Luckovich’s significant and ongoing contributions to an active wisdom tradition.

Being in the class I got to talk to people who are not only fluent in advanced Enneagram concepts and theory but also— thank goodness—their humanity.

Marika Litz


Josh and John's Developmental View of the Centers and Object Relations class completely upgraded my understanding of the Enneagram. I've been learning and using the Enneagram for about 13 years now, and this class added so much more texture to everything I already knew. The content was fresh--not regurgitated Enneagram language--all while being rooted in historic, studied psychological theory. This new, working Object Relations theory made it easier to deduce my own trifix by having clear examples of how the Centers of Intelligence and the emotional affect interact. 

I loved the ping-pong teaching style between both Josh and John. They each bring something different, and it's nice to get both flavors over the course of a class. Josh's skill of using simple metaphors and masterfully articulating complex concepts combined with John's breadth of Enneagram and Fourth Way knowledge lead to a very thorough teaching. Josh has an inviting, approachable style to his teaching, while John feels like he's making sure the integrity of this ancient wisdom is never lost; and together they offer a high-quality Enneagram class.   

Course Format

The 6 sessions in this course were recorded live in front of a Zoom audience. Each session includes a lecture that draws on real life examples, an inner work practice, and Q&A from participants. 

6 two-hour Sessions


The fee for this program is $150. A payment plan is available.

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Developmental View of the Centers & Object Relations


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